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Pairwise Connecting Insulating Fins with conducting fins

Emission Free REC Lab Model
Insulating light green fin (middle of picture) with machine cut trace for sensor cables is nailed with conducting aluminium fin (to right in the picture). The the macine cut trace from the conducting fin meets the trace of the insulating fin close to the opening radius for the shaft of the Revolving Shutter (RS). Pairing the fins together with bridges of nails and glue forms a stable unit to hold the sensor cables making it possible to open and dismantle the Green Revolution Enegry Converter (GREC) without breaking the electrical sensor circuit.
By that there will be one set of cables for five therminal sensors on each pair of fins. One pair of fins for the cold side and one pair for the warm side, each side carrying an insulating fin (nil-iso)
The pairing of fins also helps to reduce eventual vibrations and ensures the pressure equalisation diagonal gap between the conducting and insulating fins.